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We offer a wide range of exotic travel options that are designed to cater to different preferences and tastes. Whether you’re looking for an adrenaline-packed adventure or a relaxing getaway, we’ve got you covered. Our team of travel experts carefully curates each itinerary, ensuring that you get the most out of your time and budget.

Where do you want to go?

Pack your bags and let’s take a trip.The amazing Iguazu falls, summer landscape with scenic waterfalls.Prepare to embark on a captivating journey that will ignite...
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Trexotic Travels Live #1

Come meet the rexotic Travel hosts, and see what we’re working on for our next trips. There are lots of things going on. Sign up...
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Tour Southern Africa

Botswana: Africa’s OasisJoin us on a tour of Southern Africa. Like what you see? Don’t forget to sign up on our mailing list to be...
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Botswana: A Healing Oasis of Wildlife, Nature, and Culture | Experience the Magic!

Botswana: Africa’s Oasis🐘 Welcome to Botswana, the ultimate destination for healing, nature, and unforgettable experiences! 🌿🌍 After enduring tough lockdowns and COVID-19 restrictions, people are...
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New Visa Requirements for Americans visiting the European Union

Starting in 2024, Americans planning to travel to Europe will need to obtain a visa to enter the European Union. The American passport remains strong...
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Adapters Unplugged: Navigate the Adapter Jungle

Attention, fellow wanderers! We’ve all been there—jetting off to a new destination, only to realize that our trusty gadgets are powerless without the right electric...
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Botswana: Africa’s Hidden Gem

Close your eyes and picture an African adventure. What comes to mind? Perhaps Kenya’s sweeping savannahs or South Africa’s cosmopolitan cities? While those destinations are...
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Passports: A Brief History

PassportsAh, the humble passport—the little booklet that holds the power to unlock a world of adventure. Have you ever wondered about the fascinating history and...
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Master the Art of Packing

Master the Art of Packing: Unleash Your Inner Travel Ninja!Before you jet off to conquer new horizons, there’s a crucial task that awaits every traveler:...
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